Saturday, February 14, 2009

phew...guiding is real fun! i just dunno where to start..there r so many stories to tell. i became a member in 1970, when i was in standard /primary 6. i remember my first activity was cooking. we were taught how to light a fire n cook something..well, i boiled egg. that was my first xperience. it's not easy to light a fire using only woods n match sticks. need several time for it to light what more if t wind is blowing, uurggh! so..when u want to light a fire outside using all those ancient stuff, better get ready 'everything'..hehe


  1. next week is THINKING DAY - 22nd February. (Birthday of Lord & Lady Baden Powell - founder of boy scout n girl guides). they share t same birth date. m going to Wisma Pandu Puteri in Lembah Pantai to celebrate at national level. I'll b helping out as t MC.

  2. Hye, kenapa tak update your blog?
